Bulletin (December 28, 2003)

Christmas has been special here at Holy Family. I want to thank those who participated in the food drive and purchased Christmas presents for needy families. The Saturday before Christmas our parish St. Vincent de Paul Society and our Madre Teresa group distributed these items. It was a major effort because we so many families in our neighborhood who look to us for help. I took a few pictures of the distribution which I hope to make available in early January. The needs of the poor do not stop with Christmas – our two-bit collections at the Christmas Masses will go toward their needs.

I want to thank those who made our Christmas Masses so beautiful: those who contributed poinsettias and who worked on decorating the church, the various liturgical ministers and of course our gorgeous Children’s and adult choirs. A special thanks to Pat Waite and Paul Grady for their work on the Christmas music and the music for our weekend Masses. Many people in the Hispanic and Filipinos communities also worked very hard to celebrate the birth of Jesus with devotion and beauty. I know I can speak for all of you in expressing heartfelt gratitude.

The two-bit collection this weekend will go toward the needs of the poor in Peru through the Mary Bloom Center. Among the many people helped by the Center is Fidel Quezada who suffered burns on his head, shoulders, chest and arms. Below is a picture of Fidel and myself when I visited this past year. Since then the Center arranged for him to get an operation which, among other things, has enabled Fidel to close his mouth completely. Also he now has more flexibility in his hands so he is able to do more to support his family. He has three school-age children. Your donations enable the Center to help people like Fidel and to continue its work as an educational and health clinic.

Last Sunday we offered the 11 a.m. Mass as a six-month Mass for Sharon Carriere. It was wonderful to see the members of the Carriere and many others who came especially for that Mass. A number of people have made donations in memory of Sharon. As of December 23, we received a total of $715 for the Sharon Carriere Memorial Fund. This Fund will be used to refurbish the Ailbe House Library which in June we will rededicate as the Sharon Carriere Library. If you wish to donate to this fund, simply make out your check to Holy Family Parish and write “Sharon Carriere” in the memo. The two-bit collection for New Years Day Masses will go toward the Sharon Carriere Fund.

We still need your questionnaire regarding the Feasibility Study. We have extended the deadline till this Friday, January 2. Our Parish Council will analyze the results and make a recommendation regarding a capital campaign for our facility needs.

Navidad ha sido muy especial aquí en la parroquia. Quisiera agradecer a todos participaron en recolectar comida y regalos de Navidad para familias necesitadas. El sábado antes de Navidad, nuestros grupos San Vicente de Paul y Madre Teresa distribuyeron estas cosas. Era un esfuerzo mayor porque hay tantas familias en nuestra zona que necesitan ayuda. La segunda colecta en las misas de Navidad irá al grupo Madre Teresa. Quisiera agradecer también a los que hicieron nuestras misas navideñas tan bellas: los que decoraron el templo, los ministros litúrgicos y los diferentes coros.

La segunda colecta de hoy será para ayudar a los pobres del Perú por medio del Centro Mary Bloom. Entre muchas personas ayudadas por el Centro es Fidel Quezada que sufrió quemaduras en su cabeza, hombros, pecho y brazos. La foto de Fidel fue sacada durante mi visita del año pasado. Desde aquel tiempo el Centro ha podido conseguir una operación para poder cerrar completamente su boca y tener mas flexibilidad en sus manos. Su deseo es poder trabajar porque tiene tres niños jóvenes. Sus donaciones hacen posible que el Centro ayude a personas como Fidel y para continuar so obra como centro medico y educativo.

El domingo pasado ofrecimos la misa de 11 a.m. por Sharon Carriere. En junio (primer aniversario de su fallecimiento) vamos a rededicar la biblioteca de la Ailbe House en su honor. La segunda colecta de las misas del Año Nuevo será para el Fondo Sharon Carriere.

Todavía necesitamos su cuestionario para el Estudio de Probabilidad. Los necesitamos para el 2 de enero. El Consejo Parroquial los analizará para hacer una recomendación en cuanto una campaña para las necesidades de edificios parroquiales. Gracias por su participación en este estudio.